David Matthews

May 23, 20182 min

Resist Trump Tuesday

I checked out the Resist Trump Tuesday action this morning after spotting a listing for it on an events calendar somewhere or other. Resist Trump Tuesday is a weekly event organized by Indivisible Oregon that meets 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the offices of Oregon's senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden. Today's gathering was in the courtyard at the World Trade Center Portland, 121 SW Salmon Street, where Senator Merkley's office is located. Next week they will be at Senator Wyden's office at 911 NE 11th Avenue.

It's a pretty informal affair. People begin straggling in as 11:30 approaches. Several members of the Indivisible group introduced themselves, asked if I had attended before and how I found out about it. One little old lady with a Tablet asked if I would like to be on their email list. I said yes, and she signed me up.

The format calls for a theme for each meet-up. Today's was the obvious one, gun violence. There was a small memorial for those killed in Santa Fe, Texas. Representatives from Indivisible give their spiels. Anyone present who wants to weigh in can do so. Around noon a member of Senator Merkley's staff joined us to listen to the group's message, offer the senator's views, and take questions.

About 35 to 40 people showed up. People tended to drift in, but I did not notice anyone leave until the session came to a close a little after 12:30. The crowd was mostly older, with some middle-aged individuals. Two women mentioned having children in high school. No one looked really young, but then it was a weekday.

Some of the best comments came from a fellow who introduced himself as a gun owner but never a member or supporter of the NRA. He declared that the NRA does not speak for most gun owners, 80 or 90 percent in his estimation. Instead, he said, the NRA represents the gun lobby and the Russian Federation. His remarks received a rousing ovation.

I got a kick out of the little old lady, unfortunately not visible in the photo, holding the sign that read "Make fascists afraid again."

It was nice to meet some people determined to do what they can. I think I will check this out again. Maybe it will lead to further engagement. If nothing else I can contribute to the body count.

