David Matthews

May 21, 20171 min

What kind of city is this Portland? — a photo essay in progress

The Gallery page features a new work in progress titled What kind of city is this Portland? I see it as something of an ongoing photo essay that will be updated regularly. Well, maybe not regularly, but from time to time and not altogether infrequently.

The aim is to convey my sense of a city that has changed a great deal, and not always for the better, since I came here almost twenty years ago. There is still much to like about our city, but much too that is troubling.

To date most of the photos are downtown scenes or shots of downtown from the east side of the Willamette River. That will change as the series expands out into the neighborhoods.


I have no illusion about my talent or skill as a photographer. My technique is to point the camera at things and hope something good will come of it. Almost every time I download photos I find myself thinking there might have been a good one here and there if my aim had been a tad different. Even so I hope the new series will be of interest.

